FSS 3101 International Internship: Integration Seminar

3 crédits
Sciences sociales
Faculte des sciences sociales
Intensive course that permits students to critically assess the role of interns in international work-study placements as well as to consolidate and be reflexive about their own internship experience. Reserved for students in the Joint Honours or Honours programs of the Faculty of Social Sciences having maintained a C.G.P.A. of at least 6.0. Enrollment is limited and requires the approval of the Faculty of Social Sciences according to criteria established by the Faculty of Social Sciences.


Cours magistral


Prerequisite: The courses ( FSS 4010 or ANT 4010 or DVM 4010 or ECH 4010 ) are corequisite to FSS 3101 .

Terme proposées précédemment:


Équivalent Français:

Miguel Francisco de Larrinaga

Hiver 2023 - AA

Aucune donnée sur les notes n'est disponible pour ce cours.