API 6344 Political Violence in Africa
3 crédits
Affaires publiques et internationales
Faculte des sciences sociales
The course offers historical, theoretical and empirical perspectives on political violence in Africa. Opening with debates about theories of violence and memory, the course proceeds through a series of case studies including wars of decolonization (e.g. Algeria and Kenya), state oppression (e.g. Ethiopia and Eritrea), civil wars (e.g. Sierra Leone and DRC), and contemporary terrorism (e.g. Boko Haram and al-Shaabab). Through such case studies the course examines the complex relationships between democracy and violence; economics and violence; identity and violence; globalization and violence, as well as issues of gender, youth, religion, and ethnicity. Finally, the course considers approaches to transitional justice, and the role of memory, silences and memorialization in making ‘living together again’ possible.
Cours magistral
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