MAT 1325 Calculus II and an Introduction to Analysis

3 units
Faculty of Science
A second course in calculus emphasizing geometric and physical intuition in which attention is also given to the conceptual foundations of calculus-analysis. Review of inequalities. Sequences. Completeness axiom of the real numbers. Continuity. Proofs of some of: the intermediate and extreme value theorems, the mean value theorem. Taylor's theorem. Standard curves and surfaces in 2 and 3-space. Tangent vectors, planes and normals. Partial derivatives, directional derivatives, derivatives as linear maps.


Discussion Group


Prerequisite: MAT 1320 or MAT 1321 . The courses MAT 1325 , MAT 1303, MAT 1322 , MAT 1332 cannot be combined for units. This course is primarily intended for students who have an interest in pursuing advanced courses in mathematics.

French Equivalent:

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